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Need to talk?



Ready to be heard? I'm here to listen.

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Do you...

Feel burdened with work, relationships, or other issues but don’t know the right person to talk to?

Need a compassionate and open-minded space to be heard and connect?

Feel stuck on a problem and want to talk it through?

Wonder if therapy’s right for you, but want to try something a little different?


C.G., Oregon

"Kate has stayed present and attentive to me and my pain through many difficult situations. Her ability to remain a calm presence in moments of trial is such a gift and her willingness to sit with me in hardship is a blessing. I’m so glad to have found her and will continue to return to her. Thank you for listening, Kate. It has meant the world." 


Compassionate. Open-minded. Private.

Need to talk through an issue in your life with someone who's dedicated to hearing you with an open mind? Do family and friends sometimes interject their own judgments or unwanted advice? That's where I come in. I'll hear your story with skill, compassion and privacy.

Try something different

Are you looking for something different from therapy or coaching? Professional listening offers you the space to be heard how and when you need it without pathologizing what you’re going through. No diagnosis, no treatment plan, no unwanted advice, no long wait lists, no pressure. Yes to a dedicated and empowering space to be heard on your terms and without agenda.

Find clarity and relief

Are you so fixated on an issue in your life that you feel completely overwhelmed and stuck? Often, just having the space to talk in a safe environment with an experienced listener will enable you to connect the dots for yourself about what to do next. I'm here to listen when you need it most.


Have you ever felt lonely in a crowded room, with friends, or in a relationship? All of us have experienced loneliness at some point, for a wide variety of reasons. It’s one of the most painful feelings out there. Whatever the cause, the best remedy I know is feeling heard and understood by someone who gets it. 

Have more questions?



A professional listener is ready to hear what you have to say. She'll listen in a way that's compassionate and open-minded.

Since I was a little kid, people have told me that I’m easy to talk to. I’ve noticed that just by offering my calm presence, people seem to open up to me about things they don’t feel comfortable sharing with other people. It fills me up to share a moment of connection with a stranger. I’m continually amazed at the way that no one is quite as they seem on the surface, and yet we are all connected by universal fears, doubts, joys, and dreams.


In my work life, I’ve had a lot of practice sitting with people through hardship and ambiguity. I’ve worked as a case manager, a teacher, a public health worker, a home visitor, a bra-fitter (people really open up when you’re talking about “support” in the dressing room, let me tell you), even a salmon habitat surveyor in the middle of nowhere (talk about lonely). Not much fazes me, and I can appreciate how wide a range is encompassed in the human experience.


As your professional listener, I’ve completed several courses in active listening, shame, and more as a helping professional. I am currently completing a graduate degree in psychology, which gives me a good foundation from which to appreciate the human experience. It has also required me to spend a lot of time listening to myself  listening to others, which just means that I'm better than the average Joe at untangling my own thoughts from what someone is telling me and making space for their unique story to emerge without judgment.


You can trust me to sit calmly with you through the storms, the hard stuff, and the happy stuff too. Think of me like a lighthouse. Of course, my dog is a pretty good listener too. He might even be sitting next to me on our call!



Make an appointment
We'll Google Meet
It's your time

Choose a 25 or 50 minute appointment time from the calendar. Don't see a timeslot that works for you? Get in touch with me here or in the Contact section below and we'll find something that works.

On the day and time of your appointment, join the Google Meet from the link in the calendar event that I'll send you via email. We'll both have video turned off for simplicity and privacy.

Once we're connected,  you've got my full attention for the entirety of your appointment. Depending on your preferences, I can give you lots of room to talk, or things can be more conversational. 


Thanks for submitting!


Ready to be heard?

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